Featuring a new spiral binding, the updated ECERS-R™ offers more practical assistance in the form of an Expanded Scoresheet (which contains a worksheet) and additional notes for clarification to improve accuracy in scoring. However the items and indicators remain the same as in the ECERS-R™
Space and Furnishings
- Indoor space
- Furniture for routine care, play and learning
- Furnishings for relaxation and comfort
- Room arrangement for play
- Space for privacy
- Child-related display
- Space for gross motor play
- Gross motor equipment
Personal Care Routines
- Greeting/departing
- Meals/snacks
- Nap/rest
- Toileting/diapering
- Health practices
- Safety practices
- Books and pictures
- Encouraging children to communicate
- Using language to develop reasoning skills
- Informal use of language
- Fine motor
- Art
- Music/movement
- Blocks
- Sand/water
- Dramatic play
- Nature/science
- Math/number
- Use of TV, video, and/or computers
- Promoting acceptance of diversity
- Supervision of gross motor activities
- General supervision of children (other than gross motor)
- Discipline
- Staff-child interactions
- Interactions among children
Program Structure
- Schedule
- Free play
- Group time
- Provisions for children with disabilities
Parents and Staff
- Provisions for parents
- Provisions for personal needs of staff
- Provisions for professional needs of staff
- Staff interaction and cooperation
- Supervision and evaluation of staff
- Opportunities for professional growth